Experience - Creativity - Innovation
Emeriti Bio is a privately owned Swedish company that was founded in 2015. The founders are all former AstraZeneca scientists representing a wide knowledge of pharmaceutical research and development, often with many years in leading positions, and with experience of taking innovative drugs to the market.
From left: Tomas Fex, Bengt Ohlsson, Jan Fryklund, Björn Wallmark, David Gustafsson
Björn Wallmark - Chairman of the Board, PhD in biochemistry, worked with AstraZeneca for 27 years, and Schering AG for 5 years.
Jan Fryklund - CEO, PhD in Pharmacology, 35 years within AstraZeneca, Department head for many years.
David Gustafsson - Member of the board, MD and PhD in pharmacology, worked with AstraZeneca for 28 years.
Tomas Fex - Member of the Board, PhD in organic chemistry, 30 years of experience from pharmaceutical companies in Sweden, 10 years at AstraZeneca.
Bengt Ohlsson - PhD in organic chemistry, worked with AstraZeneca for 25 years.
Lars Gustafsson - Member of the Board, previous managing director and chairman of the Nordic branch of Euler Hermes, a credit insurance company.
Registered drugs and brands that we have had a major influence on: Losec®/Prilosec®, Nexium®, Plendil®, Exanta®, Brilinta®